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1900 Brunswick – 1983 Königslutter
“Factory”, 1923
19,7 x 25 cm
Change in Art, Up to 5,000 €

Galerie Paffrath

2,800 €
Thilo Maatsch was a German painter and graphic artist who belongs to Constructivism and Concrete Art. Born on 13 August 1900 in Braunschweig, Maatsch began his artistic career in the 1920s. He was part of the “November Group” artists’ association and was also in contact with the Bauhaus movement. Maatsch’s works are characterised by a clear, geometric formal language, influenced by the ideas of the Bauhaus and the De Stijl movement. He experimented with colours, shapes and materials to create pure, abstract art based on objective principles. After the Second World War, Maatsch continued his artistic activities and took part in numerous exhibitions. His works were shown both nationally and internationally and were recognised in the art world. Thilo Maatsch died on 20 March 1983 in Braunschweig. Today, his work is recognised as a significant contribution to modern art and in particular to the development of abstract and constructivist art.

Other works by artists up to € 5,000

Frage zu dem Werk von Maatsch, Thilo: Factory, 1923


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Question about the work by Maatsch, Thilo: Factory, 1923

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