1865 Lausanne – 1925 Paris
„Bleus d’aujourd’hui“, 1894
22 × 22,5 cm (Lichtmass)
Ink, pencil, watercolour and coloured pencil on paper
Change in Art, Fine Art
Galerie Paffrath
29,500 €
Félix Vallotton made this drawing in 1894 for the newspaper “Le Rire”. It is a preparatory version of the drawing that appeared on the cover of the 1 December 1894 issue, entitled “Bleus d’aujourd’hui”.
The title “En route vers la caserne” on the back of the picture, which was written by Jacques Rodrigues-Henriques, Vallotton’s son-in-law, is fictitious. The crowd depicted in the drawing does not consist of soldiers on their way to the barracks, but of workers on their way to the factory with a bowl under their arm.